Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer time...and the living is easy

We're taking a little break from the Open House programme over the summer holidays.  I hope to see you at the beginning of the Autumn term.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Where's Mike?

I'm sorry we've not got together since Easter.  Life's pressed in a little!
I'm hoping we can see each other again soon....watch this space!
9th May'14

Friday, March 28, 2014

Easter - a time for reflection

We're taking a break over the Easter period.  I wish you a peaceful Easter time.  As we discussed earlier in the term....this can be a time to reflect on God's Rescue Mission.

Let's catch up again in a few weeks.


Friday, March 14, 2014

A whole new meaning to searching for a needle in a haystack

Andrew Rose-Price explains the popular hobby of geocaching. 

Don't know what this is? ......then come and find out!

Usual time and place: 

Thur 20th March, Harling, Pennsylvania Close, EX4 6DJ, 20:00hrs to 22:00hrs

I look forward to seeing you again

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The EU - what's it for?

Love it or hate it?
Many Ukrainians are longing to join the EU....many Brits are longing to leave it!
What's the EU for? What has it achieved? Is it something to join, emulate....or avoid?

Join us to discuss!

Thursday 6th March  20:00hrs to 22:00hrs
Harling, Pennsylvania Close, EX4 6DJ 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Where on earth are you from?

David HG leads an interactive evening, courtesy of Google Earth, where we will zoom around the world to a your home town or city from the perspective of a satellite. 

Come with some ideas of the highlights of your locality that can zoom.  

Feb 6th Harling, EX4 6DJ from 20:00 to 22:00hrs

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Development Aid: a moral responsibility or a waste of money?

  • Do we waste our money and energy trying to help the people of poorer nations lift themselves out of poverty?
  • Which countries have ever prospered from receiving aid?  
  • Isn't trade the only way for a country to grow in wealth?  
  • Isn't development aid mostly squandered and pilfered?
  • Is spending on development aid a matter of charity or justice?

Geoff leads us in an evening wrestling with these issues.  What is your view?
Come and join us next week, Thursday 9th January from 20:00 to 22:00hrs
Harling, Pennsylvania Close, EX4 6DJ