Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Autumn 2010 Programme is out now - book these dates in your diary

Welcome Evening

Thursday October 7th

Start the term off with a warm welcome with the Waltons. Come and share some cake and meet others who are visiting Exeter.


A day in the life of a British Bobby

Thursday October 21st

My good friend Nathan Johnson gives us an insight into the British police. Come and see just how approachable the police are.


Guy Fawkes

Thursday November 4th

Find out why the English celebrate a failed terrorist that nearly blew up our Parliament and discuss better ways of changing your government.


Mazunga in Africa

Thursday November 18th

Tales from former head teacher, Geoff Williams, about his time living and working in Namibia.


Street Pastors

Thursday December 2nd

What makes a middle aged financial advisor walk the streets of Exeter late into the night on Fridays and Saturday evenings? Come and find out


Say Cheese

Thursday December 16th

A quiet evening to end the term tasting some of the cheeses from around Britain. Come and have a go.

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