Friday, December 13, 2013

The Spring Programme is taking shape

Reserve the dates in your diary!  We've got an interesting term ahead.  I hope you can join us....

  • Geoff leads an evening on "Development Aid: a moral responsibility or a waste of money"  9th January
  • Tomas and Martin roll back the velvet revolution and give us an insight into Czechoslovakia and the Czech and Slovak republics.  23rd January
  • "Where on earth are you from?"  David HG leads an interactive evening, courtesy of Google Earth, showing each other our home towns and cities from the perspective of a satellite.  6th February
  • "The EU - what's it for?" will we find out when Mike opens up a discussion on a topic that both unites and divides Europeans.  6th March
  • Geocaching - Andrew Rose-Price lifts the lid on this modern form of treasure hunting.  20th March

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